Lighting your garden

Often outdoor lighting of our gardens and terraces is not considered as important as other areas of a home or business. Currently this trend is slowly changing and much thanks to the latest developments of the leading manufacturers in the market, which offer us luminaires able to create special and cozy environments economically and efficiently. When choosing outdoor lamps we must follow some basic criteria such as functionality, aesthetics and safety.

Functionality is how we install lamps outside improve their uses we make each space. Not the same install a beacon to illuminate a path that will illuminate a terrace where relaxing or dining. On the terraces we will assess create a warm and welcoming atmosphere with sleeker designs and tones while warmer lights for lighting road lights signaling opt for low-rise and prepared to withstand bumps and shocks.

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Aesthetics is a function of the overall decor of the space and housing, follow the same criteria as for any household lamp. Now there is a wide variety of designs and shapes that are out of the "classic" bluffing as known to everyone. New materials such as polycarbonate or fiber allow manufacturers to experiment with different shapes and effective ideal for modern environments while for classic style decorations have finished as forging, bronze or rust.

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Safety is indicated by several factors, the degree of IP protection is one of the most important because it indicates the luminaire protection against environmental agents such as dust or rain. Or Kg resistance in the luminaire is able to withstand, something very important will happen if cars or people above it. The following link will explain the different degrees of protection of the luminaries.